Being in 6th grade

Hi everyone. It is me again. Did you miss me? I do hope so. Gosh it has been so long. 👧 Well, let me start, by telling you about my day(s) at school. (Even though it is Spring break) (Yahoo!!!) I don’t know if you are or have been in 6th grade or anything, but if you have, you know how I feel. Being in 6th grade can be hard, but sometimes worth it. Sometimes I feel like jumping out a window. Sometimes I want to jump for joy! 6th grade can be emotional, but once you get through it…yes you’ll go to 7th grade, but you’ll feel glad that you passed, and it is the happiest day of your life! Well, see you all later. 🥰

Problem Solving

I am working on a kit, not just any kit, a Goldieblox kit! We each had a book that we read to help us build the kit.  I thought that the most difficult kit was something called ”Katinkas Dream”. It was hard to follow the directions.  My structure kept falling apart.  Sometimes I didn’t understand the directions, but that didn’t keep me from working hard to figure it out.  After all that work I finished it! Yes, it was hard, but I made it, and now I feel great.


Hey! It’s Sanne again.  My favorite thing to do outside of school is playing the ukelele and singing. I learned it very quickly on an app. I watched the app every day for 10 minutes. I usually like playing alone because I am a little shy.  What I like the most is to play my ukelele all the time!!!

My Favorite Activity In School

My favorite activity in 4th grade so far is the question of the day because the questions are so fun! 😝 They are fun because I get to talk to my parents about the questions each afternoon when I get home.👨‍👩‍👧 I also like PE because I get to exercise.🏃‍♀️